Tee-ball returns Sunday mornings from 12 May

A ten week tee-ball program will run on Sunday mornings during terms 2 and 3. View our tee-ball page for more information. More

Junior baseball starts Saturday 27 April

Westgarth Baseball Club will be entering teams for Rookie Ball (U13), U13, U15 and U17. Training is held on Wednesday afternoons from 4.30pm. No experience is necessary. More

Juniors 2018 Winter Season

The Junior 2018 has commenced with Westgarth fielding teams in u13 rookie ball, u13 majors, u15, and u17 age groups. Games for u13 majors players are always at Banyule Flats while rookie ball is at Greensborough baseball club. Under 15 and under 17 teams take part in a home and away structure with matches occurring at various locations in the North Eastern suburbs. Game times are generally 8:45am to 10:30am. Junior Baseball practise takes place at our home diamond at Merri Park from 4:30 on Wednesdays. No experience necessary, come on down for a hit on Wednesdays if you are interested in learning the great game. For further information regarding junior baseball at Westgarth ring Ross on 0438 390 656 or Sean on 0432 761 879. More

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2017 Baseball Season

Welcome to the new 2017 Baseball season. Westgarth is up and about again! Our Club Coach is Cameron Deeble again this year. He is firming up the playing roster, his training program and support structure now. At this stage we have B/ B res and More

Tee Ball returns for 2017

Tee Ball Westgarth Baseball Club 2017 returns Sunday 23 April! Tee ball will be run on Sunday mornings from 10-11.30am at Merri Park. For more information please contact Dean Perry on 0419 357 403 or view the tee ball program details. More

Tee ball season 2016 extended

Tee ball has been extended for an additional two weeks!   Sunday 17 July - Week 8 Sunday 24 July - Week 9 Saturday 30 July - Week 10 (Saturday session to coincide with firsts game at Merri Park). 1pm-2pm. Bring a friend! Once the tee ball session finishes hot dogs will be served and then the tee ball kids can watch the seniors play from the safety of the batting cage. Sunday 7 August - Week 11 (additional session) Sunday 14 August - Week 12 (additional session)   Tee ball will be run on Sunday mornings from 10-11am at Merri Park. For more information please contact Dean Perry on 0419 357 403 or view the tee ball program details. More